
Fat Girl – 2

I was the Fat Girl.

Everyone tried to get me on a diet.  My parents really tried, they stopped buying sodas and pastry, filled the fridge with vegetables and fruits, but it didn’t work.  I spend my lunch money on sodas and pastry.

I didn’t see any way to escape this blubber and the horrible life this blubber condemned me to.   And I also felt that if I lost weight people would like me not for myself, but for my body.

Suicide was my only option.

Now to decide on method…poison was the most pleasant.

Then I thought of my parents. I couldn’t have them find my dead body. I’d have to do it in some far away place under ‘accidental’ circumstances.

Far away place; Peace Corps.

I would join the Peace Corps, get sent to Behind The World, poison myself, then jump in the sea so I could drown. This would be a kind of ‘proud’ death, especially if I had been the hero of some village in Behind the World!


What do you think?

Written by jaylar