I was not very old when my Grandma passed away, still I remember a lot of things that she said. I got to go spend a week or two with her every summer. She would often say, lets sit down and visit and get those cobwebs cleaned out of your head.
Last Christmas I began my Christmas Every Day journal. I have been faithfully keeping it. I used to share it here, and for whatever reason I thought others were tired of it and thought it was a waste of time. Then I remembered that part of the reason I write my blog and here is to leave my grandsons a digital footprint. Some day when I a gone they may wonder and they will look to technology, not my dusty old books that I wrote in.
So I am going to be adding those posts back in here. I would love you to enjoy them, and still they are written so my grandsons will someday have evidence of my heart and thoughts. I talk mostly about the younger ones because they are here. I have some that I have never met in person(hopefully that will happen this August). Time will tell.
Sometimes important things need to find a home. This is a place for some of my important things.
That’s a nice article with a lovely photo!
I remember the late Paul Harvey who was a radio commentator saying that all of us should share our life story so future generations can learn about our lives.