Metropolitan West Side Elevated Bridge (2016-12-20 16-01-30b)
The bridge, known as the Metropolitan West Side Elevated Bridge, is located between Heritage Avenue and Paulina Street and Kinzie Street and Carroll Avenue Chicago, Illinois. Built in 1898 to carry the trains of the Metropolitan Elevated, one of the lines which eventually became part of the Chicago Transit Authority, it was abandoned for use as a bridge in 1964 and serves today as a bridge signal for the Metra commuter trains that run underneath it between Chicago and the suburbs. The tracks on either side of the bridge were torn down.
I used a Nikon Coolpix P7700 camera to take the photo. I converted the image to black and white using the Nik Silver Efex Pro 2 program with the 024 Full Contrast and Structure option.
Photo © 2016 Gary J. Sibio. All rights reserved.Text © 2018 Gary J. Sibio. All rights reserved.
I love this excellent black and white photo!
Thank you very much, Albert. I appreciate it.
You are most welcome, Gary
Very interesting and great landmark, thanks so much
Thank you very much, Pamela
Love the photo in black and white, excellent photo Gary.
Thanks, Carol. I appreciate it.
Very nice shot, Gary. The high-contrast monochrome gives a pleasingly stark effect, suited to the subject 🙂
Thanks, Norman. I have to admit that I was surprised with how well it came out.