
Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast.

A picture of a girl and her dog.

I do not know why she wanted the session to be titled “Beauty and the Beast” because the dog is so friendly and kind.

Rottweilers really look quite impressive and frightening!

But to confess, I have had more problems with not-trained dogs than with the so-called killer dogs.

Everything is a matter of the owner’s attitude towards the dog! When he tame and take care of it, it does not show aggression. Even negligently, he passes through the cheeky little pups that resemble dogs.

Still, when you decide to raise some animal, keep in mind that it entrusts your life to your hands and you are responsible!!!


What do you think?

Written by Georgi Tsachev


    • Absolutely! We bear responsibility for their behavior! This is not the first dog of this breed I know and everyone was very well educated.
