
Authors ~ some favorites.

One of my favorite authors wrote “I am young and goofy behind my years.” It made my heart do a double beat I am certain. That one little sentence explains my whole life. You have to grow older, that cannot be stopped, but growing up is an option. I think it is most delightful to be childlike.  I love to play games, sing silly songs and laugh.

The author who wrote that inspires me. You can find quotes from his books all over, but I am certain most people wouldn’t consider this a favorite quote. Which brings up another great point. What I may love in a book someone else may find horrible. I have very few horrible books.

So do you know who this author is from just one quote? Do you want to know anything about this author?

Can you tell I am still wondering what belongs here?


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter

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