
And Once Upon a Time – Part 12

I’d  traveled down the coast, stopping at every other port. When I went as far South as I wanted, I turned around, and began  going up. I berthed at the ports I’d missed, doing my same old.

Then I reached back to where I’d started.

It was ten years and I liked my old town and thought to hang for awhile, so found a job in ‘security’ at a museum. It wasn’t much. It was basically standing around looking at a monitor.

I was planning on staying a few months. It was summer, everything was good.

Then I saw Zennie.

There were other people, but Zennie had a way she tossed her  hair which was unique to my eyes. I knew it was her.  I watched carefully, being sure beyond sure. Then, a boy,about ten, who looked just like me, came  beside her  and they move  off camera.

I stood gaping.

When I left, Zennie  she had to be pregnant. She never mentioned it. Not to the lawyer, not to me. Maybe she would have if I hadn’t cut it short. Hadn’t told my lawyer to give her everything, and walk out.

Maybe…if I had waited… Maybe……


What do you think?

Written by jaylar