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The Adventures of Bella Rose (Especially for Kim-Johnson)

Greetings friends, it’s me Bella Rose, my human and I are doing well!  But I think at times she’s the paparazzi lol!

We wanted to share with you my journey!  In the pic, I was only a few days old!  Wasn’t I cute?

I was so tiny, wasn’t I?

I was about a month old in the picture above, and had mastered climbing.  My human says I was really starting to grow into my personality.

I was five months old in this pic, and my favorite place to sleep was on my Hyman’s lap.  It still is my favorite place to nap.

Here I am with my Hunan’s hat, I was just a few days from being six months old!

This was right after we moved into our new place, the one we live in now, I was thirteen months old and a happy kitty with my Hello Kitty you.  We are all happier at our new place.

And here I am a few months ago, bored by all the political talk.  Why can’t humans just get along?

And here I am yesterday, I’m two and a half years, my brothers are twice my size, but don’t worry I can hold my own.  My human says I’m small but mighty.

I hope you all enjoyed my journey, until next time.  Bella Rose* 


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