Dee loved space; stars, planets, to her being an astronomer was what she wanted. She was eleven years old when she learned that one needed Math, a whole heap of Math to go into physics or astrophysics. Dee was dyscalculate. She couldn’t do math.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
She tried, she really tried, but before she was twelve realised that she would always find Math so hard and she’d have to work so hard for the mere pass, that she’d never be an astrophysicist. She’d never be an astronomer.
She had tried, she even took a course in Physics at University, and because she was so eager and interested, was allowed to take it pass/fail.
Despite all her efforts, she could not set up the equations.
Hence, Dee went into the social sciences and was very successful dealing with people. She could read as many books as printed on the stars, the planets, space. She just couldn’t be an astronomer.
Had she pushed, demanded, forced herself, she would have failed her courses, she would have to repeat them, and never be accepted at any graduate program. If she had not appreciated her shortcomings, she would have been a crashing failure.
George wanted to be a doctor. He had a great deal of difficulty with Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. He failed them. He re sat the exams, and barely passed.
After three years, he graduated with a very low level degree. There was no medical school that would take someone at his level.
He blamed the world for his failures.
Needing a job the best he might do was become a teacher and teach science. Teach science at Middle School level. He wasn’t qualified to teach High School.
He was a poor teacher and was bounced from one school to another, then there were no jobs. George is a failure. He is a failure because he pursued a ‘dream’.
If he were half as intelligent as Dee, realising he had no aptitude for science, he could have maneuvered himself into possibly a lab technician, maybe a nurse. But he could never be a doctor. To take a job teaching science with his bad attitude was a pathway to failure.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
If you take an aptitude test, and find out what you have the right tools for, and pursue that career, you should be successful. If you go after what you don’t have aptitude for, forcing yourself on and on, you’ll be a failure.
George put so much effort into his study, yet, the information flew out of his brain because he had no aptitude for science. Unlike Dee, he could do math, but had no idea what math he was to do. So he is a failure.
very good nice post im always failing
Thank you hamza. I hope it is helpful
Interesting Post Nice.