I don’t know who said this quote but received this a long time ago in an email from the Gratefulness Website.
“Be Kind to people!
Kindness does wonders to a face!”
The Gratefulness Website accepts peoples from all faiths, and teaches people to say “Thanks” everyday and to be kind to each other.
As much as religions of different types think that they are the only ones that are right!
Kindness is much better than many things. Love does wonders, while people seek miracles from the Powers that be, Love is the best thing that never dies.
Love, Kindness, Peace and Joy and Hope, faith.. These are irreplaceable and can’t be bought by any amount of money. Once more they are not even religious.
Lovely flower, that’s so pretty!
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Mommy for your comments
Be polite and say thank you often. So you will feel that you are a worthwhile person.
Thanks so much Ellie for your kind comments
Very wise words, Pamela!