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Negative words

Negative means not positive, not neutral, not desirable…

And positive means something desirable, something good, things you want to happen to you..

Many of us love negative things, even when we aren’t aware of it, we speak things that we don’t want, because it part of us…

Words like ‘I am in trouble’, ‘I am dead’, will I ever succeed, will I ever meet up… These doubts work with negative thoughts, negative words that we speak out when we aren’t aware of it…

Negative things are unwanted things, things we don’t want to happen.. But we have no choice if it happens, because we keep on uttering it from our mouth, as if we want it…

Things like this easily happens, than when we wish for good things.. The devil never wants the best for you, he keep on encouraging you with negativity…

He is wise enough to know the tricks to get we humans, we get easily distracted, if we are in the flesh…

Those things really cause harm to us in future, we do think we offend God, when we see some terrible situation we can barely handle, but most of it was caused by our utterances…

It is only God that wants the best for you, nobody except God! Caution yourself when you talk, be aware of what you utter, read the scriptures and move closer to the author and finisher of your life… POSITIVE THOUGHTS IS THE BEST, GO FOR IT INSTEAD, IT COMES TRUE…

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17 Points

Written by iam_elchoko

they say follow your heart..!! too bad I don't have one....


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  1. William James (first Harvard University lecturer in the Psych department) postulated that acting and believing you were happy actually helped you be happy in the 1880’s. That theory still holds true today!

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