Running comes so naturally when you have been doing it for 10 plus years. I have quoted many of times that I ‘am so use to doing it, it is as simple as conducting errands because it is part of my life. I used to use art as my form of escape, but since I have grown to love running, running has been my main escape from reality. One thing that I always keep is a few escape spots which are all different scenically & congested wise. Whatever route I may choose depends on my mood, whether it be introverted or extroverted, but for the most part I tend to be mixture of both but more introverted. This route that I’m sharing is one of my favorites, known as Humboldt Park.
When running Humboldt Park, it is just me, the path, and nature with a select few walkers and runners in certain areas, which gives me alone time to organize my thoughts and plan my day. Nature is one of the cheapest forms of therapy if you allow yourself to get lost in the beauty of it, and with nature you do not even have to move to reap the therapeutic benefits of being surrounded by it.
Nice place to run…
It is a very nice place to run. One of my favorites because I can run and clear my head with very few encounters with others.