In this world, people either do too much or do too little. Not that many people are able to find exactly what he or she needs to do on a daily basis. Using these four simple steps will help you do exactly what you need to do so that you will have a more productive lifestyle.
1. Numerical Symbolism of 34. The number 34 equals two times seventeen. The number two means confirmation or agreement. The number 17 represents the 17 circumstances that you have to deal with on a daily basis. Basically, you have to believe that you can deal with any circumstance that comes against you at any moment. Here is a quick list of the 17 things: trials, distress, mockery, lack of food, lack of clothing, danger, violence, death, the monotony of life, unseen factors, national government, local government, sudden accidents, worry, people that are around you, and random people that appear in your life from time to time.

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2. Control your tongue. Do not allow for your tongue to put you in future situations that will hinder your progress. Do not say what you are going to do because you may not have the motivation to complete what you planned to do. Your tongue could force you into projects that you are not capable of finishing or accomplishing in the near future. Maximizing your words will then maximize your overall productivity from day to day.
3. Find balance. You have the intuition of knowing how much you can handle on a daily basis. You must find the balance in not doing enough and doing too much. For example, a person that exercises once a week cannot handle the same regimen of someone that trains six days a week. Figure out how much you need to do instead of having others influence you into making wrong decisions.
4. Be truthful to others. Choose not to swindle others.
Nice one Ahol. Controlling the tongue and having the right balance are critical. The significance of number 34 is explained well. ?
To me this falls into the same category of horoscopes, pure entertainment.
A horoscope is different from this post in that a horoscope is an attempt to predict the day based upon positioning of the constellations. I give more certainty than that with each and every post about manifestation over rebellion. I give basic instruction that helps others overcome obstacles within their lives.
Have never gotten into numerology but I have friends that do. Interesting.