Cartoon image of melting pink colored ice cream on inverted triangular light brown sugar cone with crisscross details, face looking shocked and worried, lips pouting, mouth opened in a circular manner, eyebrows sloped downward

Life is like an ice cream, enjoy it, before it melts

There is nothing like “Perfect life”. It is we who determine whether our life is perfect or not. It is solely our outlook and our way of handling the situations which determine the final outcome.

Life is meant to be enjoyed. But, the hard underlying truth about life is that problems are always inevitable. Some or the other problem will stay with you until your last breath. The true art of living lies in valuing what you have and not wasting time thinking about things you don’t have.

An appreciative attitude always helps. Sit down, relax and start counting your blessings. Appreciate and value all that you have. Life always follows a changing path. You never know what is about to unfold. The upcoming future can be worse than the present.

So, start enjoying and living every moment before it is too late.


What do you think?

Written by amitkokiladitya