
January 26 was Calorie Burning Day

Saturday, January 27, 2018

While playing City Girl Life game, it was noted that Friday, January 26th is Calorie Burning Day. I think my day was a mild calorie burning day because I mostly just did one hour of yoga and one hour of walking group hike.

I meditate on the last days of January 2018. The only plans that I have include working on my graphic novel, going to yoga class, and going to meetups. I also noticed from the internet that there will be a full moon on the last day of January. I hope nothing dramatic happens around that time because full moons are when the Illuminati do their blood sacrifice and false flags.

#1 Follow the Light through all the fog, darkness and confusion

  1. Stop complaining and focus on your current blessings because you have what you have for a reason. 
  2. Focus on current positives as you work on fixing or improving the negatives. Start by looking at your current situation from a different perspective, before manifesting what you are currently thinking. 
  3. It is about making things happen. You are an expert in a particular area or field, and you can do whatever you want. 
  4. As you work hard on your masterpiece, you just need to think it up, dream it, and it will happen.

#2 Have Fun with Others, at least once a week because life is short

  1. Take time out from your regular schedule by celebrating, partying, or just hanging out with others. 
  2. Accept an invitation or opportunity to go out somewhere fun from the people who you meetup with to hang out, laugh, and chat. Things will naturally come up, and you should just move with the flow, following signs. 
  3. Don’t forget to bring along business cards. You will never know who you will run into or meet. Always be prepared for the unexpected. 
  4. Change up schedule by doing something different, but make sure it is just as exciting and fun, filled with uplifting people. 
  5. It is also a good time to reorganize your room or home because you will likely find something you thought you lost, hidden under piles of other things. 
  6. When celebrating and hanging out with others, express yourself in an honest and clear way.

#3 Meditate, Relax, Brainstorm, and Write Out Your To-Do List

  1. Take at least fifteen minutes each day of solitude and meditation in order to find the right answers you are looking about certain situations or decisions. But remember to rely on yourself by paying attention to synchronicities. 
  2. Go out alone and be independent to discover and explore new territories. You have actually found the answers you want because you know yourself well as well as you know your needs. You don’t really need to try too hard. All you need to do is think it and make it happen. 
  3. Consider reorganizing your drawers in order to make more space.

#4 Deal with Negativity and Distractions in a positive way

  1. Let go of negativity and old ways to prepare yourself what is new and waiting for you in February 2018. 
  2. Remember to communicate clearly on your goals and ideas, don’t restrict yourself, and fly high toward your goals. 
  3. Explore different directions to find the open doors and opportunities. Nothing is impossible. You just need to find the right path. It will naturally feel like you are in the right place and at the right time, in which you should approach anything you do with confidence.

#5 Reorganize your life, mind, body, and home…

  1. On Friday, January 26th, I worked on my graphic novel, went to the gym for yoga and sauna, came home to eat lunch, worked my on my graphic novel again, and then I decided to change my shoes for street hiking meetup. 
  2. When I noticed the time was 4:44 pm, I decided to get ready for my meetup. But I drove out to Woodbridge at around 5:20 pm, noticing that there wasn’t much traffic for a change as well as the sky was still light. 
  3. After one hour of walking with about 20 people, I browsed inside Grocery Outlet with Sue. I noticed interesting items that I might want to get soon, such as a spinach bag for $1.50, and chia mango pudding, but I also need to go to Mother’s Market to get canned food and litter bag for Gumby.
  4. I returned home to relax, eat a snack, browse on the internet, and work on my graphic novel. 
  5. I do need to reorganize my office space as well as my bedroom drawers and closet. 


What do you think?