
6 Bad Habits That Can Cause Killer Damage to Your Body

Bad habits can be hard to break and with your fast-paced lifestyle, they may include chronic stress, unhealthy food choices and even unwanted hair loss. Today, there are so many challenges that can stand in the way of maintaining your best health but that doesn’t mean you have to suffer from balding. Some people may face additional challenges when it comes to hair loss that includes genetics, only worsening the effects of hair loss and the balding process. These types of challenges can stand in your way of keeping a youthful, full head of hair causing additional problems in the life of a hair loss sufferer. On top of these health issues, hair loss can cause a negative emotional impact only increasing the burden of hair loss. This may include an adverse psychosocial result like a loss of self-esteem, confidence and even damaged romantic relationships.

1. Sugar Addiction. Sugar is oh-so-sweet but today you can find it lurking inside many common foods that seem like health foods. Sugar goes by many more names that just “sugar” so you may not notice it on food labels even in common items like bread, cereal, instant oatmeal and many more.

So, check your favorite foods to see if any of these other names of sugar are on the ingredient list of your foods: agave nectar, fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, dextrose, corn syrup, honey and fruit juice concentrates. These types of added sugars are shown in clinical trials to contribute to a slew of health problems including an increased risk of chronic illnesses like obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as well as cognitive decline and researchers already know that these health problems only worsen hair loss

So, aim to consume as many natural foods for hair growth and avoid processed items to reduce your intake of these harmful types of added sugar.

2. Smoking. Does smoking cause hair loss? Yes, it can! If you smoke tobacco, you should know that quitting cigarettes almost immediately boosts your health. Not only that but when you quit smoking your body begins the healing process that continues to improve from the day that you start. Studies can confirm that that quitting smoking may also break the link between tobacco and hair loss. If you wanted to know, does smoking cause hair loss? The answer is: yes, it can worsen the hair loss process. So, put the cigarette out for good to gain the most health benefits including more hair growth!

3. Not Exercising. You probably already know that exercising is good for your health. But if you feel like you don’t have time for a workout – you’re not alone! However, you may not realize that it only takes about 15 minutes a day to gain the benefits of regular exercise including cardiovascular strength, muscle tone and even a better mood.

These benefits also include a reduced risk of hair loss, even for those affected by genetic factors of androgenic alopecia like pattern balding, thinning, receding or complete baldness.

4. Carrying Extra Weight. It is very common for Americans to carry unwanted weight around trouble areas like their belly, legs and buttocks, however, it is not as harmless as you may think to carry extra weight. In fact, while being overweight is very common for people living a fast-paced lifestyle, obesity is a serious health concern recognized by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Affecting an estimated one-third of American adults (about 78.6 million people) obesity may significantly worsen hair loss by disrupting the growth cycle.

This type of extra weight is also shown to worsen hair loss symptoms. In one study, being overweight was linked to multiple health problems in young, healthy male subjects. In male-pattern genetic hair loss cases, higher body mass index (BMI) ratings were associated with a greater risk of hair loss

5. Stressing Out. Hair loss is linked to your stress levels. It’s true! Scientists can confirm that heightened anxieties, distress and the severity of suffering from prolonged periods of elevated stress levels (chronic stress) are linked to hair loss as it affects neurohormone production relative to the hair growth cycle.

6. Where’s The Beef? Iron is a nutrient that is needed inside the body to produce an essential component of red blood cells called hemoglobin. Needed to carry life-giving oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, iron is a mineral found within common foods like liver, meat, fish, tofu, eggs, beans, seeds and nuts, dried fruit, whole grains and leafy green vegetables like kale and collards.

Iron-rich foods such as these have been shown in clinical trials to play a vital role in hair loss, especially in that of hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia).

Talking to Your Doctor About Breaking Bad Habits

You may have more than a few bad habits taking over your everyday life. And they could be causing killer damage to your overall health. In fact, most Americans living a fast-paced lifestyle have similar habits including consuming too much sugar or caffeine, skipping exercise or suffering from chronic stress. However, it is possible for you to take ahold of your good health again and also slow the hair loss process. Talk to your doctor about your current lifestyle, bad habits and how you can stop hair loss by simply making these small lifestyle changes. Then, you can discuss the best way to approach a long-term plan for your hair growth that may include a journal, changes in your diet or even a daily dietary supplement or drug for hair growth.

There are many ways to reverse the results of hair loss – even if your balding is genetic. Researchers confirm that hereditary hair loss can be slowed and even stopped with the right long-term approach. So, talk to your doctor today about the results of kicking these bad habits to the curb and get the results you deserve!


What do you think?

Written by Angina Berryz


  1. Very well written article. I have to admit I am a smoker and have been for a long time but I do not suffer from excessive hair loss. But believe me when I tell you I know that smoking is bad as I am an ex-registered nurse and have seen my share of lung cancer patients. I also know that I have to quit but it is much easier said than done. I am considering using Champix but I hate so much taking pills that I am reticent to do so. I used the Nicorette patch and gum but I was smoking with them on me and while chewing it; so they were not effective for me. All I am left with, basically, is will power and I still do not have it enough yet but I am not smoking while typing this comment or when I am knitting, crocheting, tatting or writing other articles. Maybe I should keep my fingers going at all times….