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Sedum spectabile / Wounded is the favorite remedy in our cities

Like other succulent plants and “thick chick”, it stores water in its fleshy … In our area, “fat coke” is also known as a wounded. Fat chick is a herbaceous perennial plant. It grows to a height and a width of up to 40 cm. The flowers, which are star-shaped are pink and grouped at the top of the plant. Bloom from July to September. The plant is appreciated for its ability to tolerate drought well.

For the medicine, only a fresh leaf is used. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone has a stomach ulcer in his home to always have fresh foliage for the preparation of the medicine. The garden is so much praised by this plant that the plant was examined in some clinics, but for now there are no results yet. Many patients claim that they have cured their acidity in the stomach and from that time they no longer suffocate sour and do not have any interference in the digestive organs. The leaf is used in various ways. Some juice and drink. Other and more, cook 2-3 sheets in a cup of water to take half a drink and drink it for 30 days, rtiput daily before meals. The medicine is also used in black coffee, and also for many other ways. Others cook three sheets of 100 g of red wine and when they peel in half, drink.

In our folk medicine it is used to treat burns, ulcers, and various inflammation of the skin and mucous membrane squeezed juice from the list of wounded.


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Written by Branka Drobnjak