
Day 4 of Spring Garden Show 2018: Floral Design

Sunday, 4.29.18

Today is the last day for this year’s Spring Garden Show’s 4-day event. Since I woke up early to get ready, I turned on my computer to do some research. Then, I drove out at 10 in the morning, and I noticed that it is very quiet on Sunday mornings. It was nice to have the whole street to myself for a change. After parking my car, I checked out the brochure with event schedule and I checked out 5 seminars that I wanted to attend.

The first one started at 11 am at the Azalea Seminar Room, and it was about Floral Design. The woman talked about cutting and arranging flowers in a decorative way for home décor.

The 1st step has to do with care and handling. Separate flowers, and work each flower at a time by taking off the leaves, leafy foliage and thorns off the stem. Leafy stems tend to suck off all the water, which will prevent the flower from getting enough water.

  1. Ecuador Rose requires that you peel off leaves, some outer petals, and thorns.
  2. Don’t use sugar in the water because it creates bacteria, which will kill flowers. Make sure the water is clean.
  3. Cut the stems at the bottom before placing flower inside a glass cylindrical vase.
  4. Every time you take out the flower from the vase, the bottom of the stem will close off, which can lead to sudden flower for flowers. Therefore, it is better to cut the end of the stem before returning the flower into the vase. If there is sand at the bottom of the vase, then you don’t need to change the water because sand creates bacteria that the flower actually needs.
  5. Moreover it is better to cut the bottom of the stem at an angle so that when the flower is placed in the vase, the flower can easily get enough water. Make sure the water is clean. You might need to also change the water.
  6. When flowers are hard, it is a good sign that they are healthy; but when flowers are soft, it is a sign that they are dying. Always inspect your flowers to notice certain signs to prevent sudden death.

The 2nd step involves decorating the vase with sticky dots or certain glue to place ornamental designs, colors, textures and pieces on the vase.

The 3rd step for floral design includes adding some succulents in your colorful floral arrangements. Succulents will add texture and design because of their interesting shapes to bold and colorful flowers.

The 4th step involves draping some greenery between the colors.


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