
Tips and Tricks: The Entryway Of Your Dreams

Have you heard that there is no second chance for first impression?

Well, then you should think about the entryway as a first impression of your home. Is it tidy? Minimal? Attractive? Or you never thought of it as an important room in your house? If that is the case, then reconsider that and start redecorating! Guess what? I have made a little selection of the most stylish entryways that can inspire you. The design is your choice and should be in accordance with the style of the whole house. Do not mix styles, because the entrance is not a separate room in your house, it’s a introduction into it.

The next important thing, without regards to design, is the clutter. Keep your entryway clutter free: store your shoes and jacket away from the entrance and if you do keep them there, keep them very, very tidy and organized. Remember Feng Shui? The supporters of that philosophy do not stand clutter since it blocks the energy flow in the space. You do not want to stop the energy flow in front of the entrance door, don’t you?

Keep the entryway simple, but enhance it with catchy details, like wall covers, stylish mirror in extraordinary shape or console table with vibrant color. Choose the solution or style that will amaze you when you enter your home. Although, personalize it and add some storage or practical solution if needed, since there are some gorgeous entryway designs that are just not practical.

Whatever your choice of style or decor might be, enjoy in the making of your beautiful entryway!


What do you think?

Written by Ana

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