
How to Determine the Calorie Count in Food

Many people are asked by their doctors to count calories and that can be done easily of you are eating out because the information is provided for us, no work is needed.

What about the people who are told to cook our meals at home, and not rely on eating out, for better health all around? We have to learn how to make a simple meal and count how many calories, easy if the meal is simple, not so much if its a large meal or with many ingredients.

So, I am here to help teach you how to get this done. Nowadays its easy, we have the internet to look up the calorie content of fresh vegetables making the process faster.

Some fast meals are easy to get the calories, like the sandwich.

Egg sandwich = 310 calories

2 eggs = 140 calories

2 slices of white bread = 120 calories

Lite mayo = 50 calories

Ham & Cheese sandwich = 270 calories

1 serving of ham lunch meat = 50 calories

1 slice of 2% cheese = 50 calories

lite mayo = 50 calories

2 slices of white bread = 120 calories

Now when we get into meals with many ingredients is when things get harder, like soups and stews, pasta dishes and rice dishes. Fried, how much oil did you use? and the list goes on and on.

I made hamburger soup and I broke it down for you to see its possible to get the calorie count of the foods you will make over and over. At Cooking with Angie – Know How Much, you will see how I use a mix of canned vegetables with fresh and meat.

Do you know what you are eating?

By Andria Perry

Photos Pixabay


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Written by Andria Perry