Sugarcan juice is the liquid extracted from pressed sugarcane. It is very healthy and energetic drink.It is best for jaundice patients. Drinking a glass of raw sugarcane juice has surprising number of health benefits.
Sugarcane juice is pure and rich source of vitamins C,magnesium,potassium, iron and manganese.which help prevent disease,like cancer,that cannot survive in an alkaline environment. It helps cure the common cold and also fight high boost the body protein level,it help to treat urinary tract infections and kidney stones.Sugarcane juice help strengthen your liver and suggested as a remedy for jaundice.
Specially in summer season a glass of cold sugarcane juice is really healthy and boost up your low levels of energy.
I have not tried this juice. I do not believe to find one here in Spain
In our land, sugar cane does not grow, so unfortunately I do not know this drink.
There are more fresh and healthy drinks in our land,I ‘ll share soon.If possible,I ‘ll offer you.
I have read about this before. And I have drank it in my childhood.
Thanks dear,But You can enjoy this healthy drink now.
Very interesting publication, my friend … sugar cane does not grow in our country, so I do not know about this juice … it can be obtained at what discount
Sugarcane is very common and low cost healthy drink in our country. You can purchase by Amazon see related ads by Amazon in my post.
Thank you for a nice explanation … I’ll see you
Interesting. I’ve never heard of this drink before, but it sounds really nice.
Thanks for liking dear,it’s really good for health.
Nice information about sugearcane juice. By the way, it is Pakistan’s national drink.
Thanks for more information .
Yes, I have heard about this drink before but never tried ever , I hope today I may give it a try
Yes,why not,I have also tried, good taste .it’s owsum specially in summer.