For this evening’s meal I started out with a plain margherita pizza (base, tomato sauce and mozzarella). In the freezer I found a forgotten bag of mealworms and crickets, left over from an earlier episode of entomophagy (that’s the fancy term for insect-eating!). Read further below 🙂
#1 The Pizza toppings
#2 Crickets
#3 Face to face with my meat
Mealworms and crickets are easily available in pet shops, as live food for reptiles. The recommended humane way of dealing with them is to put them in the deep freeze. Within a short time they fall asleep, and they die in their sleep once the temperature drops much below freezing. It is then recommended to roast them in a hot oven for a short time, to ensure any parasites they might have are neutralised. During their time in the oven, the mealworms give off a delicious nutty aroma.
Mealworms are the Bluebird’s favorite food! I have some in my frig. 🙂 But not for me.
Microbats and Antechinuses get mine.
You should try it with a generous sprinkling of dried alfalfa leaves. lol.