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Attention! Here are the favorite sweets of Leo

At one site I found my favorite sweets for the individual zodiac signs. I decided to share it with you. Today I will find out these details about the Lion.

The lion has a royal style. He likes the luxurious clothes and ornaments that present the person in the most glamorous light. His pompous and flamboyant flavor is reflected not only in his fashion choices but also when choosing him on a menu.The lion loves large tables with sophisticated dishes. Most touch the palate and his heart feeds like truffles, black caviar, game meat, shrimps.Of course, if they do not have the opportunity to afford all these luxury delicacies, the representatives of the zodiac can give it up a little more modestly. However, the condition is that the Lion’s food should be colorful, fresh, and most enjoyable. As for desserts, Lions also prefer sun and flower specialties. It is not important that they are very sweet or very heavy, but it is important to really bring a mood.

The pictures are from the Google gallery.

© Elenka Smilenova 2018 – All Rights Reserved


These retro sweets are very favorite of the lions, although they do not eat them often because they are very calorie.

Torty Pavlova

This extremely interesting protein-cake cake really impresses Lions. Consumption is a whole event for them.

Fruit Salad

The perfect fruit salad is one that contains strawberries and cream. But if they can not find these fruits, Lions would make their favorite dessert with other ingredients.


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Written by lacho59