
Love ItLove It

What Do I Wear?

  1. Beret Newsboy Cap
  2. Vintage fit polo by American Eagle Outfitters
  3. Faux leather leggings by  Faded Glory
  1. Beret Newsboy Cap
  2. Vintage fit polo by American Eagle Outfitters
  3. Skinny jeans by Dolce & Gabbana 
  1. Beret Newsboy Cap
  2. Vintage fit polo by American Eagle Outfitters
  3. Denim jeans by Bisou D’Eve

I centered these two pairs of jeans and the faux leather leggings around my newly found thrift items: the beret newsboy cap and vintage fit polo. The version I had an interest in wearing was the last version with the bisou d’eve jeans which I currently wear on a regular. In-between my daily outfit styles I love trying different styles to gauge an interest of turning it into a regular outfit.

#americaneagleoutfitters #bisoudeve #jeans #fashion #french #newsboycap #newsboy #style #vintage #fauxleather #leather


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10 Points

Written by Thomas Gouard

Im a military veteran; a full-time college student, and a fitness addict. Fueled by inspiration; God's word; endorphins and laughter!