- Zip up fleece by Express
- University of Southern California shirt
- Jeans by Levis – 511
Every time I look at this outfit I cannot help but think about college. Hmm? Maybe it is because of the University of Southern California t-shirt that I’m wearing underneath the fleece you tell me? I call this one of my more natural outfit styles because I have worn similar variations more than once, but with a different pair of Levis jeans.
I am constantly recycling out the clothing items inside of my clothing bin and may have donated this fleece because it was worn so much, resulting in it becoming faded. What do you think?
Other variations

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they say the clothes make the man, but you make your outfits work for you. that’s a nice trick!
Clothing is the easiest way to speak without actually speaking ; )
but then how to you know the message received is the message you meant to broadcast?
It works well for some, but some are too young or ignorant to realize what message they are sending. Summer is a perfect example of that because so many people come out wearing things they should not be wearing.
and then there are mixed messages
I see so many people that wear things that look inappropriate. I always think to myself, they might as well have came out of the house naked because that is what it looks like with what they are wearing.
if you’re out of shape, don’t wear anything tight or revealing
The mirror is the best-est friend because it never lies. Some apparently do not look at it because it will tell them the truth.
the mirror never lies, but we can lie to ourselves- consider the anorexic…
Thanks, Tasart. Very rare do I wear the fleece opened up like the one with red shirt. While looking for something to wear earlier, I noticed that I didn’t donate it. Probably will retire this fleece now that I have found it in my stack of clothes.
Looks great!
I like the combinations you shown here!
The shirt is really nice, simple but not boring!
Yep. It is my natural style
Great outfit dude , thank you for sharing
And thank you for dropping in Witty