in Fashion Fashion and Style: Are You a Hat Person? by Cmoneyspinner August 29, 2019, 1:37 pm 111 Views 7 Votes 4 Comments Share Tweet Pin Read LaterAdd to FavouritesAdd to CollectionReport Pages:Previous 12Next post What do you think? 7 Points Upvote Downvote Browse and manage your votes from your Member Profile Page Share Tweet Pin Written by Cmoneyspinner facebook instagram pinterest tumblr twitter youtube 4 Comments Your posts is addressed to ladies otherwise I would show you my hats and caps… lol… 1 I have two daughters that like hats. I am not a hat person but I believe that the right hat for a person is an art form. The perfect hat is worth the effort 1 Ever since I was young I had no penchant for wearing hats. But mind you, I have several hats that I use for selfie shots only. 1
I am not a hat person but I believe that the right hat for a person is an art form. The perfect hat is worth the effort 1
Ever since I was young I had no penchant for wearing hats. But mind you, I have several hats that I use for selfie shots only. 1
Your posts is addressed to ladies otherwise I would show you my hats and caps… lol…
I have two daughters that like hats.
I am not a hat person but I believe that the right hat for a person is an art form. The perfect hat is worth the effort
Ever since I was young I had no penchant for wearing hats. But mind you, I have several hats that I use for selfie shots only.