One of kids most favorite things to do is drawing. They just love to take a pencil and release their creativity. Known for having interesting artistic skills, the creations are unique. Their imagination pushes off the limits and they will amaze you with the stuff they create. Sometimes, you will wonder what is the drawn figure. And kids always have a good explanation. Psychologists can tell a lot just by seeing the kids drawings. They believe that children express their emotions and fear through drawing.
Some are good, some are bad at drawing. But what happens when daddy lends a hand and turns kids drawings into realistic images? We can see that here. This Instagram account has won the internet with the idea of turning drawings into art. This creative father recreates his kids drawings and makes stunning creations. With ordinary animals turned into fun creatures, to “new” design vehicles this kid rocks the internet And they have made a remake of the Mona Lisa painting too! You will want to see this for sure.
Take a look at the gallery and see why this has become the new viral hit! Vote for your favorite one!