Are you a lover of classical music? Many people love classical music without even knowing it. For example, many of the old cartoons I used to watch had classical music playing in the background. I enjoyed that music even though I did not realize it was a piece written by a time-honored classical music composer. In addition to listening to their music, it’s interesting to learn about the lives of the composers.
When I hear the words “classical music” there are certain composers that immediately come to mind. Beethoven and Mozart, of course. But also Bach and Tchaikovsky. Which composers do you think of when you hear those words?
#NinaSimone, #MichaelJackson, #SirPaulMcCartney, and #AliciaKeys have all said they were greatly influenced by composers such as #Beethoven, #Mozart, #Bach, #Tchaikovsky. ~ "Introduction to #ClassicalMusic" ~ ~ #music #musiclovers
— Treathyl Fox (aka cmoneyspinner) ~ #Freelancer (@cmoneyspinner) April 20, 2019
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#1 Well I did know Beethoven lost his hearing. Many musicians become deaf. (???)
#2 The movie “Amadeus” might not be completely accurate. But which movies are?
#3 Bobby McFerrin says vocalists should practice singing Bach preludes …
#4 Not a curious fact but I love ‘Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy’ (“Nutcracker”) by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
#5 Rock Stars Who Kept Their “Inner Mozart” Hidden Until the Time Was Right.
I'll bet most celebrities have a "secret chamber" they enter to escape from the crowd and clammer. It's something about themselves that they keep to themselves and don't really want to share with the public. Every once in a while they'll open the door to that chamber and let you in. Like when Sir Paul McCartney opened up about composing classical music.
Paul McCartney's classical works: where to start ~ classicfm
#6 Classical Music for Brain Power – Mozart, Vivaldi, Haydn…
#7 Classical Chillout – Pachelbel, Mozart, Beethoven, Debussy, Janacek, Bach, Handel
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Related Link: Do You Enjoy Listening to Chill Out Music? – Virily
~ A different kind of chill out music.
#8 Classical Music Can Make You Smart and Healthy? Good to know!
#9 This list doesn’t include Debussy’s ‘Clair de lune’ – It should be added to make it “11 pieces”.
#10 They say classical music enhances your brain power. If so, children should be exposed to classical music.
Perhaps you can wait until they can walk and talk to teach a musical instrument. But you can get them to start listening to classical music while they are still in their mother's womb. They say it hasn't been proven whether an "in-utero concerto" gives babies a head start. I say if they say music can help plants grow, why wouldn't it help a child's mind develop? Even if not, classical music has never been proven to have harmful effects on plants, animals, or humans.
Classical Music for Baby? | What to Expect
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Classical Music for Babies to Sleep ♫ Relaxing Music for Babies ♫ Newborn Baby Sleep Music
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