
Friday 13th HOAX/FAKE NEWS

Friday, September 13, 2019

It was late at night, while I was still browsing onFacebook. By very early Friday morning, all of the sudden, I noticed a post about Clint Eastwood had died at 89. Earlier, I was thinking if any celebrity would be dead on Friday the 13th, which is a famous date for Illuminati rituals and sacrifices.

I decided to go to bed because it was late. When I woke up around 10:30 am, I went on the internet. At 12:12 pm, I noticed that this CNN video was FAKE NEWS spread around for Friday 13th hoax. This video spread on FACEBOOK claimed that Clint Eastwood had died of a heart attack at 89 while filming a television commercial. But he is actually very healthy and alive.

Friday the 13th has turned out to be another April 1st JOKE. CNN is desperate for people to watch their usual crap that they have to spread hoax or fake news all over social network sites to get people attention. It is obvious that people prefer to be on Facebook rather than watching CNN. 


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