A personality test is either a questionnaire or a mind-boggling quiz designed to reveal an individual’s psychological character.
The first personality tests were introduced in the 1920s, and were intended to use for personnel selection process, particularly in the armed forces. Since these early endeavors, a wide variety of personality tests have been developed and introduced.
So above here is a video that simply tells what you’re personality is. Though, this has no exact basis, made only for fun, and to test your focus and comprehension in this tricky personality evaluation.
Watch this video and check for your result.
Try to be a deep thinker, logical thinker, and optimist, or else you’re gonna be a nutter.
Almost fell for it!!
But then I thought, “Why are there banana on coconut tree?”
You almost fell for it…good thing u haven’t been tricked.. Thanks for watching 🙂
I thought someone place a banana on a tree, and the monkey would be the only one interested in climbing the tree and eating the banana. I created my own logic.
Haha nice logic u have…but this vid really has its own style of tricks…thanks for dropping by 🙂
haha it’s alright. this is some kind of a tricky personal quiz video that really needs comprehension…at least u know now the tricks behind it…thanks for dropping by btw 🙂
Hahaha – I ended up a nutter! I thought it said coconut tree… then saw banana, and thought maybe i read wrong – but definitely the monkey will it anyway – coconuts or bananas! 😀
it’s alright..i got it 🙂
Thanks for dropping by. Hope you enjoyed it.