
Avicii Tribute in Las Vegas 2018

Tuesday, 6.19.18

I decided to check out this video because it looked recent, where Tiesto is paying a tribute to the late Aviccii or Tim Bergling. As I watch this video, I notice that is looks dark, and I am not talking about the lighting. The stage is filled with Illuminati symbolism, which includes the OWL head that keeps popping up in my face. The ornate decor kind of looks like Catholic or even Rothschild mansion. There is a lot of red on the stage, maybe a symbolism for blood sacrifice. In the little pillar style archway window or portal which displays Aviccii’s photo, I also notice other scenes, such as masonic black and white checkered board. I notice some torches with fire blazing fiercely, and the back of the stage suddenly lights up brightly in fire-like orange color, which lights up the stage like Hell. The girls in the audience look quite skanky. It almost looks like a ritual on stage.

As I listen to the lyrics of each song, it sounds like Aviccii’s career path. These songs are really sad.

  1. Waiting for Love
  2. Wake Me Up when it’s over


What do you think?


    • i wonder if he knew what he was getting into, since his mother was a famous actress in Sweden. she should have warned him. it isn’t right. the industry should have allowed him to retire and move on without all this greediness to use him and make money off him. it is like michael jackson and whitney houston, but they retired in their 50 and 48.
