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About the Author Peter Ackroyd

One could use two words to describe the author Peter Ackroyd: prolific and eccentric.

  • He’s prolific because he writes A LOT!!  He writes history, biography, poetry, mystery, etc. He authors books for adults and for children.  He also rewrites (or retells) literary classics like Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.
  • He’s eccentric because … well! …he’s a little weird.  In a good way.  You may not think he’s weird but … he still writes with pen and paper, and he spends a lot of his time with books.  Doesn’t he know about laptops, tablets, and iPhones?  (O.o)

What else can be said about this author?

He was born in 1949 in London.  He has lived his entire life in the UK.  He began his literary career writing poetry, publishing his first work in 1971.  He did not limit his efforts to poetry.  From the 70s to the present, he has written both fiction and nonfiction works, and has won numerous writing awards.  He has no intention of ever retiring.


Rosen, Jody. “Man of Many Words: Up Close and Personal with Peter Ackroyd …” T: New York Times Style Magazine 15 Sept. 2013: 110-14. Print. Men’s Fashion Issue, Arts and Letters

Guest, Katy. “Peter Ackroyd: ‘Retire? Only If My Arms Are Chopped off First’.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 22 Oct. 2011,


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