
4.4-Mile Walk on a 50-Degree Evening

Tuesday, 1.7.20

This evening, I decided to go to the Turtle Rock street-walking meetup. It was hilly and cold, around 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This week, it has been sunny and warm during the daytime, around 70 degrees,  but cold and wintery during the evenings. I wore sweatshirt, puffy vest, wool colorful knit hat, cozy gloves, and gym leggings. I didn’t do much walking in December because of the rain. So, I needed to make it up in January. 10 people signed up but 2 people backed out last minute. 

At the end of the walk, I noticed I did 4.4 miles, 9,737 steps, and 14 floors.  I didn’t feel like eating afterwards. So, I drove home, inside my warm and cozy townhouse, and changed my clothes into a cozy gown, robe, and slippers. 


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