Thanks so much for sharing and for the suggestion. It is great to learn about the cultures of others and celebrate what we have in common and some of our differences. I really enjoyed your share and I would gladly share a piece of my history and culture.
I am going to share a song now and perhaps a dance at a later time. This is the song of the Eagle. It is performed by one of my favorite drum circles. (Actually, I have never heard a drum circle that I didn’t love and “feel” moved by the music. I never miss an opportunity to join in a round dance.) for some reason you can’t see it, here’s the link. Hit and arrow if that doesn’t work please follow the link.
wow that is amazing.
i feel the power around me just from recording. the connection to the sound is amazing!
This is awesome! Makes me think about the connection with nature and animals that we are losing these days.
Cool song and nice to give a shoutout to Pam! 🙂