
Serbian humanitarian association I

The idea of establishing Serbian humanitarian association arose the great Serbian painter Nadezda Petrovic 1903. In order to influence the national consciousness and awakens the desire to revolt and liberation from the Austrian and Turkish authorities, Nadezhda addresses Dolphins Ivanic, wife Serbian consul in Skopje. The joint gathering prominent citizens this time exposing them your idea of a future society.

Propose any kind of assistance to the prisoners, the vulnerable and the victims in our territories, regardless of ethnicity or religion. Apart from purely human aspirations, suggested that the company engaged in cultural and educational activities. For the first female president will be elected Savka Subotić, a great Serbian benefactor.

The name “Circle of Serbian Sisters” and the action plan designed by Branislav Nusic and diplomat Ivan Ivanic. The first gathering was organized on Assumption 1903 and gathered around 3. 000 State. On the set is initially not regarded favorably in accordance with the subordinate position of women and their ability nepoverljivošću in general. Any number of members is growing, and established the sub-associations throughout Serbia.


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