
More Myths of American History – 1

When Americans talk of slavery, it is African slavery. The belief is that Europeans were so powerful they could march into Africa and capture Africans and enslave them.

This is not the whole story.

In the first series of these articles I explained how, in what would become the 13 Colonies, slavery replaced indentured labour. How an African, Anthony Johnson, who had been an indentured servant, completed his servitude, gained land, and became one of the richest tobacco planters in the Jamestown colony.

As a full citizen with voting rights, Anthony Johnson could and did bring a case to Court.

The case Anthony Johnson brought to Court was to prove John Castor, an African, was his slave, not an indentured labourer.

Anthony Johnson won his case, and thus slavery was begun in 1659 in Jamestown. Slavery did NOT begin in 1619 with the arrival of a captured slave ship in Jamestown. Those African were treated as indentured labourers and freed, with land and supplies at completion of their indenture.

Slavery began in Jamestown with Anthony Johnson.

But Africans were not the only group enslaved. There seems a collective amnesia when it comes to Europeans being enslaved by Africans.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar


  1. I will never have a clear bondage … how can a man so behave to another man ..And today it has it.. Every man is the same.Color of skin, its faith, way of life ..can not be a reason for division, humiliation, murder…