Mary Cassatt (1844-1926) The Reader 1877 Oil on canvas

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Impressionists-Synthetic paint in a tube

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WWere the first painters who enjoyed the luxury of pre-harvested and mixed colors. They did not have to grind the pigments themselves and keep them in bags of pig bladder. In 1840, James Rand invented the tube from which the color can be easily squeezed out, and then they added the zipper, so they could be saved for reuse without drying. Tube painters are allowed to bring along color while working outdoors, and from them they could directly and quickly to the paint, even without the use of brushes. This choice of topics has become much wider, a perfect moment it was easier to paint. Based on pallets impressionist consisted of synthetic colors based on the newly found elements, chromium, cadmium, zinc and cobalt. Of course, some pigments later be improved (like the green Sele who was a little toxic).


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