Ellen called upon two women who were, like her, the kicking stones for the pretentious. They were agreed on how to proceed.
At 4:30 they arrived to help decorate and organise the room, and place the awards on a large table at the front of the room, to stage left of the podium.
The television crew arrived and began setting up and were ready to go at 4:58.
As the Chosen Master of Ceremonies was not present, as Ellen expected, she took the microphone, and bang on 5:00 welcomed the handful that was there, made a sentence of introduction, and began calling out the Awards and recipients, knowing that the recipients were not present to collect their Awards.
Ellen said; “During the year, a number of members have given time and energy to the organisation, and we honour them with various awards.” She then would call the name and the Award in such a manner that it seemed it had already been given and she was just making an announcement.
At 5:16 one of the Awardees was actually in the room, and came up to collect her Award.
At 5:20 the person chosen to be M.C. arrived, shooting daggers from her eyes, and Ellen called her to the stage to take the microphone when only two minor awards remained.
The Celebrity was called at 5:30 and made a short speech as she was to speak at the banquet.
By 5:40 the vote of thanks was given and the movement to the Banquet Hall began.
Those who had come late were fuming that they missed their few seconds of television time, and were crowded around the Award table.
Ellen felt proud of a job well done.