

Reality Revealed

The United States has had the most effective propaganda.

  It has been seen as the greatest country in the world, where freedom is enshrined, the rule of law supersedes prejudice, aggrandisement,  and “all men are created equal.”  

It was the “land of opportunity”,  which solicited immigration and offered a ‘better life’ to those who entered.

The fact it practiced slavery which only  ended after an internecine war, and that ex-slaves only had a brief moment of equality before becoming victims of rampant racism in every corner of the nation which exists to this day is ignored. The fact the rich have more rights and power and are above the law was hidden.

It is only since 2016, with the election of Donald Trump that the mask the United States wore has slipped, exposing truth.

Across the world people have begun to see America as it is.

There are those who, unaware of reality, assumed the insurrection in 2021 was an aberration, until witnessing the performance of the Congress.   How could any well thinking representative of ‘the people’ seek to shut down the government?   

The revelation of the truth of what America really is continues, and each week exposes more of the lies and tricks it has played over the centuries.

That those ‘in power’ don’t care how the world views America is more evidence of its sense of superiority and ability to deceive the public.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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