
Get It Together

Today I need to focus and get things together. It’s been chaotic here and many important things have simply been left undone as I struggled with the stroke, pandemic, and life. I also have to acknowledge that my best days are clearly behind me at this time. I have to look for things to inspire me and motivate me to get things done.

Sometimes the hardest thing is where to begin. I wander around, look, try to come up with a plan, and before I know it my day is done. In some ways, I guess today is a day of reckoning, and I need to go back to what once worked. if needed.

I often put my to-do list here and worked through it and weaved it into my day. It was probably boring for you and helpful for me. Well, today is a “me” day because there is much to be done and I need to be accountable. 

I am beginning right where I am. Today I am going to ask my friends on Virily to keep me focused and on track. Feel free to call me out and get me back on track.

The list begins

1. Make and serve breakfast

2. Gather a basket of ironing

3. Make three study cards for work

4. Gather one donation bag

5. Smile and continue the list when I have made it thus far.


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter


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  1. Mostly helping my husband, I have limited time for exercise and limited time for daily chores it involves taking him out for he cant do anything except his art work..
    I go for a quick walk..cant be longer than 1/2 an hour and often cut short..
    I do all the housework, meal prep…shopping everything..
    Sometimes have to take him to Dr or hospital..he is slow moving and cant walk far, but some weeks ago took him to Hamilton Zoo, pushed him around in a wheelchair, was a great visit.

  2. You delivered the most important thing I needed today and that was a smile. My husband says if you want to use his excuse list for not cleaning the garage, he will help me type it on here. (That means he will talk and I will type.)

  3. i make lists because of your influence (I also listen to more country music because of you are carol) my list for today!

    1. Walk – the goal is 10 miles.
    2. Finish patching guide wire for the lawnmower.
    3. clean garage (or find a really good excuse to avoid clean garage task)!

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