For Eric, life was over. His future, his dreams, everything died with David. He couldn’t even look at Steven.
The situation was so obvious that Steven returned to his uncle’s house the day after his brother’s funeral.
For Steven, mourning David was more resentment and self hate. No one could ever measure up to David. Steven had never tried.
Now, in his uncle’s house, feeling unwanted, inferior, Steven became involved with a woman he knew his parents would not approve of.
She was not his religion, came from a poor background, and wasn’t even pretty.
He wanted to marry her. He knew how it would upset his father, He rushed a wedding at a Registry.
Carla, like his mother, would not convert. Steven didn’t want her to. He wanted her to be an active member of another faith.
When Eric learned of the marriage he was sure Steven did it to spite him.
Which was true.
One should not go for marry before complete understanding
unless they want to hurt someone, like their parents, then…