
Can't Do Better – 3

How do you determine you have met a person like ‘Jade’, a repulsive human being without compassion, consideration, or even recognition of their failings?

The first checks are ‘family’.   By this I do not merely mean parents or children, but persons who have been close to the subject for years.   People who, although their may be no blood ties are family.

Consider a person in their Forties, still friends with those they went to primary school with, not just an occasional phone call, but people they meet, talk with, invite to their weddings.  Consider a person who when ‘something happens’  have dozens of phone calls to make or receive.

Contrast this with a person  who has no family no friends; no one.

Unless everyone they knew died in some catastrophic event which cut the person from their society, you have met someone who can’t do better.

You have met someone who is a must avoid.    For everybody has somebody in their lives; unless they are the kind whose repulsive nature is uncontrolled.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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