When Barry heard his parents had finally been successful in finding jobs enabling them to escape Uglytown, (as they called it) he saw it as a rebirth.
He would get away from this place, from who he had been his sad life, and become someone else.
Barry decided to burn all his Nobarry filled diaries and leave all that happened in Uglytown behind. He would come to his new ‘realm’ and begin life as Cool Barry.
After the travel across country, and the arrival and the new home, as Barry settled in, he opened a crispy fresh book he would call his journal, and chart the life of Cool Barry.
Good move and good news for Barry.
He is going to recreate himself as cool Barry
Why barry decided to burn nobarry filled diaries ?
Because he didn’t want to arrive in his new town carrying all the hurt he had felt when he was in ‘uglytown’.