After the Duo state Assembly Election of Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh, Now every Political persons including common voters across India eyeing towards the Election result of Karnataka State Assembly Election whose date of pooling was today. The Counting date for the State Assembly Election was fixed by the Election Commission of India. as 15TH May 2018 .

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In the past two Assembly Election in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat, BJP won and formed the govt. also but the win was not at all big and huge as per political Analysts and Political Pundits of India.In the said election of Karnataka , there is also neck to neck fight between two top National Parties of India, Congress and BJP.
BJP’s same type of campaigning with huge social Media Campaign also was trying to hijack voters along with pool promises as were made during 2014 general election by the Bhartiya Janta Party(BJP). When some voters and even media persons asked BJP about the 15 lakh Money to be put in every common man’s account if won by Mr. Narendra Modi, the party urged it as Pool attractions and nothing else.

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Mr. Prime Minister of India also did a hectic campaign one after another with utterance of as usaal false promises to youths, Farmers and common men which people of India understand as Vote manipulation and nothing else.
All most all the media reports after the end of Election day on today, claim neck to neck fight and no chance of Any political party’s victoriously win with huge majority in all the 222 Assembly seats in the state of Karnataka.

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And in this situation of mystery and puzzling state of mind, JDS(JANTA DAL SECULAR) a regional political party headed by HD. Devegowda is key to form the government in the state. There is believe of the role of Former Prime Minister, HD Devegowda as the real Kingmaker. That neither Indian National Congress nor Bhartiya Janta Party shall able to form the govt. In the state of Gujarat without support of JDS (Janta Dal Secular) in the state of Karnataka.

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More twist yet to come inside the arena of this political Battle which is absolutely key before the 2019’s General Election in India.