
A Ranked List Game!

This weekend is the last weekend for Blue Week in the Color Crazy Challenge. 

I have been at home, and trying to find way to occupy my time. Games are always fun for me. 

Since the quizzes and polls are glitching out, not running correctly. I thought this might be fun to try and if you do not want to play, you might just enjoy some blue beach photos. 

The game directions:  There will be only five to choose from, each of them will have a different title. There will be a voting button after each one. You can vote for every one if you like but please, write in the comment section of the picture you picked as your favorite, “I picked this one as my favorite one.”

I have tried this ranked voting list before, but I had a lot of bugs to work out on how to do it. So thank you everyone who helped! 

Stay safe, stay inside! 


What do you think?

Written by Kim_Johnson


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