
A look behind the Extreme Photo Edit Quiz…

I took my daughter in law and the dogs to the creek we found on our Google Hike last week. I got so many blurry or dark photos that I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to make a guess the photo type quiz.

If you havent taken the quiz yet, you might want to take a peek before you read on. It is here.

Extreme Photo Edit Quiz…This quiz has gone to the dogs!

Here are the originals, and answers.

1. I had you count the dogs in the original photo. The shadows were too dark.

This is the same photo, I just lightened the shadows or the original. There were three that were visible so the correct answer was three. But you might notice the head on the bottom left.

2. Another count the dogs. There are two counting the painting.

3. For number three I added flies to the picture. Here is the original. It had one fly and one dragonfly.

There were four insects in the edit.

4. What was this? It was a weird photo I took of the reflection of a bridge, with trees and sky, rocks from the creek bottom are showing in the shadows of the bridge. The answer was all of the above.

5. Another count the dogs.. In the photo for the quiz the shadows were darker so it was hard to see the splash and the puppy in the front.

6. and 7. Were find the difference between the two photos.

The first was the original.

Then I took out the long tail and added a poodle tail, and then I added a poodle top knot on it’s  head.

8. I asked you to count the butterflies. The options were 5,7, 10 or 12. The answer was 10.

9. I asked how many I added to the photo, this was difficult. I added 7 shown in the red above.

10. I asked again, How many dogs in this extreme edit?

Of this, and there was one.

11. Was a far out edit.. How many dogs were there in this one?

Three dogs. The original is a bit easier to see..

12. Another extreme edit. Of Lily the doberman!! Her full name is Lilith. : )

The original.

13. Was a wing, and a shadow on a blade of grass.

Of this red dragonfly.

14. How many dogs were in this?

There was one. Luna, aka LUN A tic~~~!

15. The last one was a shell…

Seen here.

Well, there they are. I hope you enjoyed the quiz and the answers seen here.

Have a great day!


What do you think?

Written by Kim_Johnson