
365 Day Photo Challenge Day 258 missing clouds

CarolDM posted yesterday about clouds. Do you cloud watch was her question? A great question to ask. Cloud watching is a passion, hobby and longtime time-wasting activity for me. Many years ago I published a poem called “The Last known Painting of Skyler Blue.” It was me sitting on the deck at my parent’s farm watching a thunderstorm roll in over the countryside.I suspect since I ended up getting soaked with rain that I should have gone inside, but I loved watching the dance of clouds as the storm rolled in. Thunderstorms are interesting affectations. That got me thinking even more about the concept of clouds. What do you see in the clouds above? Do you look for shapes? For people’s faces or visions of unicorns? Or do you watch the fluffy quiet sailing across the sky? Do you seek to, lie on your back and become one with the sky? Or do you create a conversation with the clouds? I know, at times, far from home and only a jacket, I’ve argued with rain clouds. 

Each tiny cloud a doorway. Is it open or closed?


Anyone can join the photo challenge!


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for the mention. Would love to read your poem.
    I always think the clouds are a passage to somewhere, so the door is always open for me.
