
We All Have Dreams

We all have dreams.  A very good friend of mine,  Andria Perry,  is making her dream come true.  She started a little store selling homemade products.  Sunshine’s Homestead Creations.  Andria is a huge inspiration.  I love her products and her willingness to follow her dreams.

My dream is not that far from Andria’s dream.  I dream of having a spiritual shop.  A shop where I sell, crystals, books, candles and herbs.  I will also offer my spiritual healing services.  That is my big dream.

Dreams take time to manifest.  It is taking me time to build things up.  I will never stop working towards having my dream come true.

What is your dream?

photo is from


What do you think?


  1. I wish you both good luck in pursuing your dreams!!
    Andria Perry has a very nice online shop there! I believe she would do well!!

    And I’d well waiting to hear good news about your shop too!
