
Tales of a Business Troubleshooter – 1

There are many names for this kind of job. ‘Consultant’, ‘Advisor’ are just two of them. What the job consists of is entering a business to learn why it isn’t profitable or as profitable as it ought to be.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

In some cases there is an unrealistic business model, in other cases, archaic practices. In many, there is an over staffing in general or specific. In Jamaica, it is often that a bedwarmer is given a cushy position which she can not fill, and money is wasted hiring people to do her job. Of course, she can not be fired, but the business can.

One of the most obvious investigations was done at a particular supermarket.  This was one of those ‘legacy’ businesses.

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>

Grandpa had worked hard and saved, and he opened this supermarket. It was the only one for miles. It had a great location, just before the turn to the airport.

For years it had functioned well. Then Grandpa turned it over to Daddy and Daddy put his grown children in charge.

Grandpa had two managers;  and four assistant managers. Each department had a supervisor who had an assistant supervisor. There were shelf packers and bag packers and cashiers.

The reason there was so much ‘management’ was that Grandpa didn’t have to pay overtime. One doesn’t pay a manager overtime.

There were more members of management than there was staff, and very little for management to do. Hence, there would be three cashiers, two bag packers, and long lines of disgruntled customers.

People began to shop elsewhere. Business dropped.

Advising the Grand Kids about this and that was pointless as they knew nothing and were going to keep it that way.

The supermarket, which had reigned for over fifty years was a few steps from bankruptcy when it was sold.

This particular model displays two faults; ‘legacy’ businesses and ‘top heavy employment’.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar