
My Blogs at Blogger

I have multiple blogs on Blogger. I’ve been blogging there since 2011. My first blog was “The Long Dark Night of My Soul”, which is about Schizoaffective Disorder. I have decided to write more often in my blogs. I tend to put articles in my blogs that don’t work at Hubpages, and I can’t get featured. Yesterday I started a new blog for random articles and posts that don’t fit anywhere else.

My favorite blog is “How the Universe is Made” and has all types of posts, ranging from sacred numbers, to tarot to morphic fields. Most of these posts were too short for HubPages to get featured. I actually prefer to write shorter posts. I like to make my HubPages articles at least 700 words.

I do make a little bit of money with my blogs. Not much. Adsense has been stagnant for a while now. But I mostly write just to write anyway, so I’m not that bothered by not making much money.

Mostly I would like to get traffic for my blogs. I’m not sure how. Having regular readers and commenters would be nice. No one seems to be interested in what I write though. Or I’m just not doing it right.


What do you think?

Written by riverwild


  1. It can be difficult earning money through blogs, yes. I write on Hubpages also but not earned very much on there so far. Some people do really well on there. I don’t know how they do it!

    • It depends on what you write about mostly, and if you can get traffic to your blog. I have adsense, so people have to click on the ads for me to make any money. i don’t get traffic, so few clicks, little money.
