
The Key to Fast Belly-Fat Loss

Belly fat is such a bother to many people for a myriad of reasons-spoils the great physique, makes one feel clothes being tight, lowers the self-esteem and is harmful to the health. It is also referred to as visceral fat. It increases chances of suffering from type 2 diabetes and cardiac diseases, among others. Although those with belly fat may appear thin from outside, they have higher chances of suffering from these conditions.

One of the techniques of losing belly fat is engaging in some high-intensity workouts to burn the fat and to build muscles. You should give some fantastic steroids a try as you do the exercises to increase your metabolism and promote muscle development thereby giving you those results that you so much desire. Do not be troubled about where to buy the steroids, but go online and buy them at Shop where you are assured of genuine products from the manufacturers at great deals.

So how can you lose belly fat so fast and enjoy slipping into those pair of jeans you always wish to put on? Read on for an in-depth look at some proven strategies.


You may not be aware, but it is possible to exercise for short durations and lose so much fat. The secret behind this is to do the correct moves. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity showed that high-intensity workouts such as sprinting leads to higher fat loss and more health benefits than exercises done at moderate intensity like jogging. Doing bursts of sprinting lasting about eight seconds and repeating them intermittently over 20 minutes thrice a week was observed to help obese men to shed about 4 pounds of fat and add 2.64 pounds of muscle in 12 weeks. The most significant benefit of the activity was that the men recorded a 17% loss of visceral fat. The expert who led the study observed that the same results would require seven hours a week for fourteen weeks to realise the same results while doing jogging at moderate intensity.

How to go about the exercises

Interval training- small bursts of high-intensity exercise alternated with low-intensity exercise- is an excellent strategy of burning belly fat. You can easily do them in your daily training routine. For example, if walking is your thing, you can go on with your routine but for every 10 minutes of a walk, run for a full minute, say the tenth minute, then slow down to walking again. For those who love swimming, increase your intensity for a minute in every ten minutes of your swimming.

For clarity, you may exercise normally for the first nine minutes, and on the tenth minute you put in 90% to 100% and work so hard. You then back down to the usual pace for the next 9 minutes, and once increase the intensity for one minute, after which you cool down and stretch.


There are plenty of other techniques that you may employ to lose belly fat such as the following:

  • Eating food that burns belly fat such as peppers, eggs, beans, nuts and seeds, avocado, citrus fruits, among others
  • Avoiding food with trans fats, for example, some spreads
  • Cutting on your alcohol intake
  • Minimizing your stress levels
  • Reducing consumption of carbohydrates especially the refined ones


What do you think?

Written by Virily Editor


  1. Oh please! No more warnings about trans fats. LOL. Ever since my husband found out about trans fats I dare not read the labels on any product I pick up in the grocery store. Because if I bring it home he will ask: “What about the trans fat?” I better know the answer! Or I’ll get a lecture. He may even make me take the product back to the store. LOL. It’s all good.